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Is There Any Way to Treat Nasal Polyps ?

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Nasal polyposis is a chronic inflammatory disease ofthe nasal mucosa with inflammatory cells, infiltration,especially eosinophil, and structural modifications ofthe epithelium (secretory hyperplasia and squamousmetaplasia) and lamina propria ( basement meme-brane thickening, extracellular matrix accumulationand fibrosis). Although the pathophysiology of nasal polyps is not clearly known, new  hypothesis on the formation of nasal polyps is classified nasal polyps as softtissue masses of edematous (60%), glandular-cystic(27%) and fibrous (13%) types, which exhibit intactepithelium on the surface with massive edema fluid,and pseudocyst formation in the deeper layers.  Polyp tissue seems to be significantly denervated, and it is postulated that the open endothelial junctions of venules might be responsible for the vascular leakage. However, the pathophysiological mechanisms of the formation and growth of nasal polyps remain poorly understood. Remodeling in nasal polyps is discusse...

Glucocorticoids on Nasal Polyps ?

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 Recent study shows that fibroblasts from patients with Nasal Polyps and asthma who have a poor clinical response to Treatment with glucocorticoids, display a relative resistance tothe anti-proliferative effects of treatment with glucocorticoids, compared to fibroblasts from control nasal mucosa.  In addition, glucocorticoids failed to inhibit collagen expression in any fibroblast type. In contrast, glucocorticoids seffectively down-regulated IL-6 and IL-8 production by nasal fibroblasts, though nasal polyps fibroblasts were less sensitive to dexamethasone than fibroblasts.  Overall, this findings reinforce the concept that glucocorticoids are less effective inreducing fibrosis and remodelling of the airways than inreducing inflammation. This results also suggest that the impaired sensitivity of nasal polyp fibroblasts to the invitroanti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids concurs in part with the poor clinical response that these nasal polyp pa...

Best Way to Cure Nose Polyps At Home

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Nose Polyps is a chronic inflammatory proliferative affection of the nasal mu¬cosa and paranasal sinuses. Nose Polyps triggers different degrees of obstruction of the upper respiratory tract and both atopic patients and the general population suffer from it. Nasal polyposis is considered part of a subdivision of chronic rhinosinusitis since it appears impossible to clearly differentiate both conditions3. It is usually bilateral and has higher incidence in the fourties affecting 2.7% of the population, the majority of cases being men (with a proportion rate of 2.2/1).  It is associated with asthma, eosinophilic non-allergic rhini¬tis, aspirin intolerance, eosinophilic fungal sinusitis, and Churg-Strauss syndrome. The incidence rate of Nose Polyps is  similar in both atopic patients and the general population, and its occurrence rises with the concomitant of bronchial asthma  It is assumed that the Nose Polyps could be the final stage of a complex inflammatory process which...

Is Nasal Polyps Genetic ? How to Get Rid Of Nasal Polyps at Home ?

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  Most genetic studies of Nasal Polyps have focused on the role of innate immunity in the pathophysiology of CRS. Most of these studies are candidate gene studies, which compare the allele frequencies of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) within genes that are suspected a priori of being involved with the disease among patients with CRS and controls. However, association studies usually have inadequate power, mostly due to highly heterogeneous study groups, and limited ability to generate novel information, once can-didate genes are selected based on what is suspected about the disease. Conversely, Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) use a hypothesis-independent approach to exam¬ine a number of polymorphisms across the entire human genome. However, GWAS of CRS are still lacking due to the high costs and large patient cohorts required. DNA pool-based GWAS (pGWAS) that replace individual DNA geno- typing by pooled genomic DNA are an alternative to reduce costs. Genetic studies...